We help you build the


We use idea science and design thinking to help you build the Amazons, Apples and Ubers of the future


Over 90% new startups, business ideas, innovations, products or services fail which results wastage of billions of dollars, time and resources. We are here to fight this epidemic of failure and help individuals, organizations and companies build the right products/services that the customers really care about. 

Our goal is to help you identify the bad ideas that are not worth wasting your precious time and money on. We are on a mission to build a better world by helping investors, entrepreneurs and innovators minimize risks and wastage by building the precise products/services that not only serves the humanity but also a successful, profitable and scalable business.

Learn The Process

Develop your entrepreneurial foundation of building your product or service ideas the right way

How To Build Your Ideas Boot Camp

Join our boot camp to learn about launching your startup ideas whether it is a product or service the right way. You will learn the 3 fundamental methodologies, process and tools that are critical for entrepreneurs in this modern day and age. VPD (Value Proposition Design) to discover desirability of the idea in the market and customers, BMG (Business Model Generation) to understand economic viability & feasibility of delivering the value to your customer and finally testing/validating the idea with the customers. This bootcamp will lay down the foundation of how to build your ideas in a scientific and methodical way so you end up building the right product/service that customers really care about.

Our Education and Training Programs

Help you to not only understand our process but also build your foundation to build your new startup ideas on your own in the right way

Value Proposition Design Fundamentals

How to model an idea’s desirability, understand how it is solving customer pain points, is this what customer are looking for and much more...

Business Model

What are the 9 building blocks of a business model, how can you make money, maximize profit and minimize cost by designing efficient business models

Testing your
business ideas

Without testing and validating, all ideas are just a set of theories and assumptions. Learn how you can use experiments to gather evidence about your idea’s worthiness.

Build Your Idea The Right Way

Whether you are an individual, team, organization or a company we can help you navigate your startup journey on the right path

Let's Startup

Send us your idea whatever stage it is going through, It can be just a napkin sketch or a design doc or a working prototype, we will review and analyze it, build different models, find out it’s desirability, viability and feasibility and conduct experiments to validate the models whether your idea is right one that customers are looking for.
We will help you build and/or mold your idea for the right customer and will also ensure that you don’t waste your time, money and resources on ideas and features that are not worth it.
So start your application by contacting us in the form below and we will give you a FREE 45 minute consultation call.

Our Startup Consultation Packages

This package is designed to put individuals and teams who are starting their startup journey on the right path...​

The Foundation

We design different value proposition models (desirability) of your idea, identify the right model that fits your customer’s critical desires and pain points and find the most important hypotheses required for the success of the model.

The Full Circle

This package offers end - end consultation. 1 Iteration in which we cover all the aspects from designing value proposition model (desirability), business model and run tests/experiments to validate the model.


We analyze your existing product/service and help you to improve them through the value proposition and business model design process.

Design, Develop And Launch

Rapid . Reliable . Affordable

Rapid MVP

We rapidly develop your front-end web or mobile client and back-end services, host and deploy it on cloud infrastructure where you can see your idea transform from concept to minimal viable product. Our streamlined process and a team trained with startup mindset will take care of all the technical aspects and challenges allowing you to focus on testing/validating your idea in the market.

Web & Mobile apps

Whether you are a startup or an established business, we can take care of designing, developing and maintaining your business web and mobile applications. We provide end-end services from developing cloud infrastructure, database, backend application layer To front end web and mobile interfaces.

Digital Infrastructure

Starting up can be chaotic and confusing, don’t worry we are here to help. We can rapidly develop and setup your website, content writing, SEO, animations, social media content generation and much more.

Tech Engineers Staffing

We can find, vet and manage developers that meet your precise project requirements. We don’t just provide “a” resource , we provide you a team that monitors, supports and ensures quality of the resource deliverables throughout the project lifecycle.



Our journey began 15 years ago when a couple of us started our careers in the world of software development.

We started as novices in this complex and ever-changing world. We learned the craft through all types of ups and downs from working in a startup inception phase and see it through to production to working through the night fixing defects to prepare the application for client demo to getting calls at 3 am to figure out why the server ran out of memory or why users can’t see their orders on the page etc. We had to continuously upgrade ourselves to keep up with the technological and paradigm shifts in the industry, learn and adopt new approaches, frameworks and platforms to keep up with the pace of change.

In short, we have been through blood, toil, tears, and sweat and we understand what it takes to deliver a quality robust tech solution, we know the industry inside out, we know the patterns and where to apply them, we are still continuously evolving with the ever-changing landscape of the digital revolution. This is our second nature, our passion and we love every second of it.

In this chapter of our journey, we have come together to form a formidable team bringing our vast and extensive industry experiences to help new and upcoming startups and power up businesses, organizations and companies with our cutting-edge consulting and software/application development services.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
 (510) 491-4975
Address: 1910 Pacific Ave
Suite 2000 PMB 1047
Dallas, TX 75201

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