How To Build Your Ideas Boot Camp

3 Live online zoom presentation and Q&A sessions that will cover the 3 fundamental methodologies, process and business toolkit to build your ideas the right way. The most important skill set and toolkit for any entrepreneur.

  • Value Proposition
  • Design Business Model Generation
  • Testing Business Ideas

Coming Soon!

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Introduction to Value Proposition Design

How To Build Product/Service Ideas That Customers Really Care About?

Over 95% of new ideas/startups fail because they fail.

You will be introduced to Fundamentals of Strategyzer’s world renowned Value Proposition design process and idea modeling methodology. 

This is a vast subject. This presentation aims to simplify and summarize the most critical points along with building your foundation of how to think about your idea’s in a scientific and structured way. 

You will learn how to find out and understand your customer’s most critical needs and pain points.

You will learn how to break down your idea in terms of different type of values it creates for the customer and whether it is indeed addressing the real and most crucial needs of the customer.

This is most important methodology and tool for any new entrepreneur.

This will lay down your foundation building successful products/services that customers care about. 

Introduction to Business Model Generation

How To Make Money And Profit From Your Idea?

A awesome new product/service without a sound and profitable business model is doomed to fail.

You will be introduced to the building blocks/components of business model and how they are interconnected and impact each other.

You will learn how you can manipulate the components of the business model to reduce costs and increase profits.

You will learn different types of business model patterns that billion-dollar companies have adopted to stay ahead of the competition.

This will build your fundamentals of how to think about making money from your idea in a methodical and scientific way.

Understanding business models and how they work is the is the most important skill and tool for any new entrepreneur.

Introduction to Testing Your Business Ideas

All New Products/Service Ideas Are Just Theories And Assumptions Until You Test And Validate Them

Most ideas fail because they are driven by assumptions rather than evidence.

You will learn how to identify different set of assumptions and hypothesis that are critical for an idea’s success.

You will be introduced to the fundamentals of developing and conducting experiments to validate critical hypothesis of the idea.

You will learn how to interpret the results of the experiments.

You will learn different types and categories of experiments for different stages of the development of the idea.

Learning how to identify good ideas from bad ideas without spending a lot of money and resources is one of the most critical skills for any entrepreneur.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
 (510) 491-4975
Address: 1910 Pacific Ave
Suite 2000 PMB 1047
Dallas, TX 75201